You're invited
Momentum's Demo Day is finally here. We’re excited to host our sixth Demo Day at Frontier RTP on Monday, December 9th. This fall, we worked rigorously with serious, full-time students in our Immersive Web Development course, providing technical knowledge and soft-skill training over 12 weeks. Student's demos will show their full stack web development skillset and ability to solve problems for modern businesses. Join us on the 9th at 4pm for a first look at their demos, an opportunity to network with the community, and insight into coding bootcamps.
Meet our developers
Our sixth cohort is made up of 15 skillful developers. In their previous careers, they ran production companies and created complex symphonies. Now they’re confident Javascript and Python programmers who use frameworks such as Django, React, and Vue.js. They’ve completed a series of professional development classes and are comfortable working independently and cooperatively in a team.
“I want to show I’ve learned something new, to show a project I had a part in creating, and to show local employers I’m ready to work!”
- JJ, Cohort 6
Make connections
Get access to professional developers and the industry community. Our cohort is ready to join innovative companies of all sizes. Talk to a graduate about their experience, discuss their groundbreaking demos, and set up an interview or coffee chat.
Learn more about coding
Curious about being a student at Momentum? Want to know what it’s like changing careers? Our staff and alum team can answer questions, discuss our Immersive course, and even help
schedule an information session.
“Demo Day is the summit. It is the moment you prove to yourself, your peers, and your community that you have what it takes to be a developer."
- Taylor, Cohort 4
Be inspired
Innovative. Inspirational. Impactful. This year’s demos solve real problems with fresh perspective. Whether it’s helping a community organization or connecting users with relationships that matter, these large software projects explore what’s possible with programming.

Join us
Doors open at 4pm at The Frontier, December 9th, for mingling, snacks, and drinks.
Demos will start promptly at 4:30pm, followed by an opportunity to meet the developers and discuss their demos at length. Register today. Space is limited. See you there!